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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Monetize Your Website

It must be easy to make money off the Internet, after all, every article you read is about yet another blogger or video uploader who is racking in thousands of dollars a month. Meanwhile you can’t figure out why you aren’t even earning a single grush (much less than penny).

The truth is, it’s still not easy to make money off the internet.

Those articles and posts are written about those people because they are the exceptions to the rule. In reality, most people could probably make a few tens or perhaps even a few hundred dollars off the internet – if they worked very hard at it.

The largest hurdle in making internet advertising money is simply that you need to be pulling in hundred of thousands of page views per month to actually start to see decent results. This of course can be very discouraging.

After all, you’re lucky if you get a mere thousand pageviews on a good month. Aren’t you?
At WebAds, we’ve recognized the problem and are trying to work around it.

While true, a thousand pageviews may be worth at best 50 cents on the open market, we believe that your website may have more value if properly marketed.

At WebAds we try to carefully place each website in its own proper niche.

A thousand hits may be not much in the general market, but a thousand hits in a unique niche (even more if it is cutting edge) that an advertiser is trying to reach can be a goldmine for them.

We don’t promise you’re going to get rich off your site with WebAds, but we’d like to help you try.

Whether you’ve got a tremendous site with 20 million pageviews/month or a small site with a few thousand, at WebAds we think we can help you monetize your website.


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