WebAds 468x60 Ad
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Adding WebAds code to MSN Space.
Here it goes...
1. Log into you MSN Space and Edit your Space.
2. In another window go to:
(It make take time to open).
3. Click on Add it to your space on the HTML Sandbox tool page.
4. Go back to your Space and click on Customize
5. Under Modules -> Gadgets you’ll find something called Sandbox – Add it.
6. In the Sandbox module (box) that opens click on Edit HTML
7. At this point the best thing to do is ask us to send you the code segment directly for your site.
If you want to do it yourself, log in to you WebAds account, generate the code for an IFRAME HTML Banner Code, and then extract the second half between <iframe> and </iframe>.
But it is easier for us to simply supply you with the code.
8. Click on Save under the Sandbox. And save your Spaces configuration if you need to.
9. Click on Exit Edit Mode, and you’re done.
You can see what it might look like here
Formatting your Flash Banner
When we receive a Flash Banner for an advertisement it needs to conform to
certain parameters.
The sites in the WebAds network display banners in two sizes 160x400 (sidebar) and 468x60 (fullbanner). Second we try to have the banners stay below 25k, otherwise it starts to demand to much extra bandwidth which may not be available to the visitors. And we don't allow automatic sound (but you can put sound in if it requires a click to start it) because that is simply annoying.
On the technical side, the Flash should be saved as Flash 6 (not Flash 7, 8 or MX).
Do not embed a URL inside the flash, but most important is this: we need the following code in order to properly track the clicks on the banner. It has to be in every frame, otherwise we're just showing ads with zero feedback as to how effective they are.
The code is as follows:
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {
getURL(clickTAG, "_top");
It should be created as a button the same size the banner and inserted into every frame.
Very simple, but it helps maximize the effectiveness of the advertisers campaign.
Positioning your ad
The question has come up, "How do you more accurately control the positioning of the Web Ad on the page?".
There are two parts to that answer. The first is straightforward, you simply insert the WebAds code into the place in the HTML code where you want it to appear next.
This is good in a limited sense, but sometimes you want to do more. You might want to nudge the ad a little right, or have it positioned in the top-right corner of the page.
At that point you need to add some inline CSS code (nothing difficult):
<div id="webadsbannercode" style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; POSITION: absolute; RIGHT: 3px; TOP: 4px; ">
By changing 4px or the 3px in the example above you can control the absolute positioning of the ad from the right or from the top. You can use LEFT:3px instead of RIGHT:3px if you want it positioned from the left. Piece of cake.
Where does it go within the WebAds code?
The above line of code goes right at the beginning of the code:
<!-- BEGIN WebAds.co.il CODE BLOCK -->
<div id="webadsbannercode" style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; POSITION: absolute; RIGHT: 3px; TOP: 4px; ">
And you mustn't forget to add in </div> right before the end of the code block.
<!-- END WebAds.co.il CODE BLOCK -->
Which Code do I put in – or – Why doesn’t this work?
To begin with, most of the options on the left side of the page aren’t relevant as we aren’t deploying ad formats like pop-ups and text ads at the moment - though we might change that in the future if we see that both the publishers and advertisers want them. (We uses Banners->HTML – in case you got lost in the menu).
But then things get technical, yes IFrame, no IFrame, and when you put the code into your website, nothing showed up. What gives?
Here’s one possible answer.
By default you should simply select your Zone (the ad size/type), and click on the "Comments" option if you want them.
Insert the code into your website and see what happens.
We’ve found that Blogger Beta (for some strange reason) prefers that the ad code be inserted into IFrames (we tested it with a Flash ad), but first try it without the IFrame option, if you can’t see your ad, generate the code again with the IFrame option selected.
Now you should see it! Go Figure.
In the future we will probably add Automatic Refresh and Multiple Ads options (both allow you more ad impressions per pageview), but just hold off on those for a while.
If you have any questions on the subject, just post a comment.
Monetize Your Website
The truth is, it’s still not easy to make money off the internet.
Those articles and posts are written about those people because they are the exceptions to the rule. In reality, most people could probably make a few tens or perhaps even a few hundred dollars off the internet – if they worked very hard at it.
The largest hurdle in making internet advertising money is simply that you need to be pulling in hundred of thousands of page views per month to actually start to see decent results. This of course can be very discouraging.
After all, you’re lucky if you get a mere thousand pageviews on a good month. Aren’t you?
At WebAds, we’ve recognized the problem and are trying to work around it.
While true, a thousand pageviews may be worth at best 50 cents on the open market, we believe that your website may have more value if properly marketed.
At WebAds we try to carefully place each website in its own proper niche.
A thousand hits may be not much in the general market, but a thousand hits in a unique niche (even more if it is cutting edge) that an advertiser is trying to reach can be a goldmine for them.
We don’t promise you’re going to get rich off your site with WebAds, but we’d like to help you try.
Whether you’ve got a tremendous site with 20 million pageviews/month or a small site with a few thousand, at WebAds we think we can help you monetize your website.